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ruby-chef-config Chef's default configuration and config loading
ruby-chef-telemetry Send user actions to the Chef telemetry system
ruby-chef-utils Basic utility functions for Core Chef development
ruby-chef-zero Simple fast-start in-memory Chef server
ruby-childprocess Simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs
ruby-directory-watcher FAM-like facility for Ruby
ruby-facter Cross-platform Ruby library for retrieving facts from OS
ruby-fssm File System State Monitor
ruby-inspec-core Core library for Infrastructure and compliance testing
ruby-listen Listen to file modifications
ruby-notify Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
ruby-puppet-resource_api Simple way to write new native resources for puppet
ruby-quota Quota interface for Ruby
ruby-rb-appscript Ruby Apple event bridge
ruby-serverspec RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet and more
ruby-specinfra Common layer for serverspec and itamae
ruby-syslog-logger Improved Logger replacement that logs to syslog
rw Sortix dd(1) replacement
s6 The s6 supervision suite
safetynet Safetynet is a perl script intended to monitor system services
salt Remote execution and configuration management system
salt-docs Documentation for salt
same Find identical files and link(2) them to save disk space
sandboxctl Manages chroot-based sandboxes
sarah Syslog automated Rotation and Archive Handler
screenbrightness Command-line display brightness control for OS X
screenfetch Fetches system/theme information in terminal for screenshots
screentest CRT/LCD screen testing utility using GTK+
scsiinfo Displays information about SCSI devices attached to a system
service-config Utility to create and configure svscan service directories
setquota Command line quota tools
sfm Simple file manager
sformat SCSI disk maintainance, formating, and ultimative repair tool
shc Shell script to C compiler
shelldap Shell-like interface for browsing LDAP servers
shmux Shell Multiplexor
skill Signal processes given user names, ttys, commands, or pids
slay Kills a login shell and process(es) of a user
slocate Secure Locate
smartmontools Control and monitor storage systems using SMART
smbldap-tools Set of ldap administration scripts for samba
socket Create tcp socket and connect to stdin/out
solid Hardware integration and detection
spice-gtk GTK+ widget for SPICE clients
spice-protocol Headers defining protocols for SPICE server code
spice-server Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments
sredird RFC2217 compliant serial port redirector
sshsh Run a new shell with an SSH identity
stow Maps several separate packages into a tree without merging them
strace Trace system calls
strigi Small fast desktop searching program
su2 Enhanced su, users su with own password + more
sunxi-tools Tools to help hacking Allwinner A10 (and successors) devices
sux Set user id, preserving shell and environment, checking ssh agent
swapd Swap daemon for POSIX-compliant operating systems
swatch Simple log file watcher
sweeper (V) KDE system cleaner
sysbuild Automates builds of NetBSD and manages source trees
sysbuild-user Runs sysbuild periodically under a dedicated user
sysgen Assign DEC Qbus or UNIBUS standard CSR and vector addresses
sysinfo Displays system hardware and software information and configuration
syslog-ng Highly portable log management solution
syslog-ng-amqp Highly portable log management solution
syslog-ng-curl Highly portable log management solution
syslog-ng-geoip Highly portable log management solution
syslog-ng-mongodb Highly portable log management solution
syslog-ng-redis Highly portable log management solution
syslog-ng-smtp Highly portable log management solution
syslog-ng-sql Highly portable log management solution
system-tools-backends DBus interface for system configuration
systester Test system stability and performance by calculating Pi
sysupgrade Automate upgrades of NetBSD
tarsnap Secure online backup service
tarsnap-gui Cross-platform GUI for the Tarsnap backup service
tcx Transparently compress executables
tdir Display directories with files ordered by ending extension
tealdeer Simplified, example based and community-driven man pages
tegra-firmware Firmware binary images for NVIDIA Tegra SOCs
tenshi Log monitoring program to watch and report on log files
testdisk Tool to check and undelete partitions
tiramisu Desktop notifications, the UNIX way
tits Server which provides telnet(1) access to one or more tty ports
tkcron Graphical frontend to crontab
tkdesk Graphical file manager
tload Terminal version of xload
tob General driver for making and maintaining backups
top The ubiquitous system monitoring utility
toshutils NetBSD port of the Toshiba(tm) Linux Utilities
tpb Utility to enable the IBM ThinkPad(tm) special keys
tphdisk Create hibernation partitions for Thinkpads
trash Command-line program for OS X that moves files or folders to the trash
tree Print a text or HTML tree diagram of a directory structure
ts Simple handy batch system
tsm8 IBM Spectrum Protect (aka Tivoli Storage Manager) Backup Client
ttyplot Realtime plotting utility for terminals
u-boot Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (meta-package)
u-boot-a10-olinuxino-lime Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (A10-OLinuXino-Lime_defconfig)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-lime2 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (A20-OLinuXino-Lime2_defconfig)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-lime2-emmc Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (A20-OLinuXino-Lime2-eMMC_defconfig)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-micro Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (A20-OLinuXino_MICRO_defconfig)